Staying Hard For Your Partner
How do I stay hard for a long time without premature ejaculation? That is a question I received from a fellow reader. Personally, I don't know, but just for you men I did my research. Let me tell you it was kind of hard to get this information because many suggested pills like Viagra. That wasn't what I wanted. I wanted a more natural way so that it's not just a temporary fix that might damage your penis and you can't perform sex anymore.
I searched up and down for a more natural way than popping some pills to help you men with your hard-on. I came across a link called "3 step stamina." Its tips from a porn star himself Aaron Wilcoxxx. I thought why not use the answers he give..I mean he has sex with 100's of girls and he has to try and stay rock hard when the girl is riding him like crazy. Also, who wouldn't take tips from a porn star? So here it is.
Men avoid any over the counter or prescription drugs. For obvious reasons, you can damage your penis, causes high blood pressure and other medical mishaps. Next, testosterone therapy. Although it might work your body becomes reliant on this. You don't want to rely on testosterone therapy jst to get a hard on and last. Herbal treatment. This does work, but only to an extent. They don't let you to a full on hard on. Lastly, penis pumps. Penis pumps can damage your penis.
In order to a more firmer and longer erection you need to get more blood into your penis. Most men who suffers from ED or premature ejaculation does not store enough blood in the penis.
1. Exercise
The only way to store more blood in your penis is with some penis exercise.
-Flex your PC muscle: According to a website called "premature ejaculation" it's not hard to find that muscle. So when you are peeing the muscle that you are flexing when starting and stopping from urinating is your PC muscle. To perform this muscle you need to flex and hold that muscle repeatedly. Do this in 3 set of 15 reps or 1 set of 15 reps twice everyday. When it gets stronger, flex the muscle and it holds off your orgasm.
-Stroking technique: Another one from premature ejaculation. Okay, first off you need to your sensation leading up to your climax. Now stroke your penis gently up and down all the way to you sensation. When you reach that sensation do not cum. CALM YOUR SELF DOWN. Do this about 4-5 times and remember DO NOT make yourself cum. After doing this then you can let your partner join you in intercourse.
2. Diet like a porn star
Back to Mr. Wilcoxxx. He says to eat foods with special enzymes, amino acid, and rare plant extracts in diet. Food that contains these are scientifically proven to improve erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
-Lean meat
3. Confidence is key
You need to think like a porn star if you want to last like a porn star. Have some confidence in your performance and yourself. Anxiety and lack of confidence has been proven to cause ED and premature ejaculation. Like what Mr. Wilcoxxx said "DESTROY anxiety and GAIN confidence."
Alright men, I really hope this works. Let me know if you tried this and if this works for you. Until then HAVE FUN MY NAUGHTY ANGELS!