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Communication Is Key!

WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY!! In this blog I really had to do some research. I went to my friends and ask some random people how do they communicate with their partner? I realized that my friends, these strangers, and I have almost the same answers. If you read my some of my other posts I always say communication is key to a relationship. If I didn't well there you go.

A reader of mine asked me if I knew some ways to communicate with her boyfriend. Here's the gist of it. They been together for a few years and although they been together for so long he still does not know how to communicate with her. Now let me be honest, I been with my boyfriend for about 7 years and sometimes we still struggle in this area. That's why I went to other people who actually does communicate with there partner VERY well.


Sometimes you and your partner can just be caught up with work and life. If you live together, heck even if you don't live together set a time to be together at home and focus on just you and your partner. Put all your devices away. Your phone...turn it off or put it on silent.


There was this couple who been together for 20+ years and the husband said "even after all these years I always make time for my wife and take her out on a date once a week. I been doing it since our first date." I'm a sucker for love and I think that is just fricken awesome. You need to make time for each other and have fun with each other.


It's key to talk to your partner. When you go on a date or set a time or when you or your partner come home from home. Ask them how their day went, and don't just ask just to ask. Actually LISTEN to them. Even if it was a hard day and they just have to vent. LET THEM. That goes both ways. Your partner needs to sit there and listen to you vent about your day whether if it's a good or bad day. While talking put away ALL devices..your cell or on silent. Don't even check the time. Don't just sit there while you or your partner is talking and pick at your finger nails or look away. You guys are obviously not listening when doing that. Really be in that conversation..nod, give advice, and engage.

I know I know I shouldn't have a place to be putting advice about communication with your partners because me and my boyfriend still struggles with communication. With all that put aside, I just hope that these tips help you out just as much as it did for my boyfriend and I. Until then HAPPY COMMUNICATING MY NAUGHTY ANGELS!

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