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Swingers Party!

WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY!! So today's topic is about swingers party. A reader of mine asked me "do you know anything about being a swinger? Did you go to a swingers party?" Okay, personally I never went to a swingers party, but always wondered how it went down at those kinds of parties. Luckily, I know a few people who went to them. Here's what I got.

A swingers party is where couples go to have fun and exchange partners and have casual sex. Now, in order to attend one of these things you have to be invited to go. It's not an open invitation. There are rules to these things. So here it is.


It is much more easier if you and your patrner both agree to have this kind of relationship. This is a team effort. If you guys agree to this its less complication in your "committed" relationship.


If you are EVER invited to one of these things then you have to RSVP. According to one of my friends "i hate it when i invite someone and they don't either RSVP or don't show up when they say they already RSVP." You can contact them through email or email to tell them you can or can't go. It's call courtesy.


Treat this like any other party. Don't be rude and show up empty handed. Bring a gift. If you don't have a clue on what to get them ask the host what they need or want.


Okay this should be rule number one. Don't go there stink. Go and shower before you attend the party. Groom yourself. Men go and get some cologne and women spray some perfume. My other friend said "pack your cologne or perfume with you and spray when you show up. Make your area smell good, but don't pack it on just a couple sprits is fine."


When you are in the party and someone approaches you and you don't want to engage in a sexual act with them then turn them down politely. It's okay to say NO, but ALWAYS turn them down nicely. Just simply say NO THANK YOU.


Go and enjoy yourselves at they party. Well who am I kidding you're at a swingers party having casual sex with other people why wouldn't you have fun. Oh yeah my friend had one more thing to say "for fuck sakes TRY not to be jealous when your partner is having sex with someone else. You're at a SWINGERS PARTY go have sex with someone else and have fun"

I know this one was kind of long, but I had fun writing this. If you ever went to a swingers party how was your experience? If you didn't do you want to go to one? Until then HAPPY SWINGING MY NAUGHTYANGELS!!

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