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Taken For Granted!

WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY!! Okay, so how do I know if I'm being taken for granted by my partner? A reader asked me this question. When she told me her story it kind of hit me hard because I been through it before. Trust me this feeling sucks. It just feels like you are giving your all to this one person and they just take it for granted. Here's some signs that I picked up when I was being taken for granted.


Your partner treats you like crap and maybe cheat on you knowing that you will ALWAYS be there because you either 1. you don't have anywhere to go to because you don't have family or friends that live near you or 2. they know you love them too much and they KNOW you won't leave


You can cook for them, clean for them, and do everything they ask, but you never once hear the word THANK YOU! It's to the point where they EXPECT you to do everything for them and don't do anything or favor in return.


Alright it's cool that you might make plans without your partner here and there, but if your partner does it constantly then they're just taking your time for granted like you don't have a say in anything and that you will just drop everything just to do what they want. Or they make plans to go out with their friends with out even consulting you about it. Okay I understand that they are not a child and they can do whatever they want, but when your partner expect you to respect them and tell them where, who, and when you will be going out then you DESERVE that same respect.


I get it your partner is tired from working all day, but at least make some time for each other. If you can't do it every night or every other night, plan a date night at least once a week. It's important to spend time with each other and communicate.


I don't know how else to say this, but when your partner say things or talk to you like crap, calls you names and talk to you like you're a kid and you can't really say or do anything and don't even consider your feelings it just fucking hurts. Also when they come and go as they please and don't care how you feel about it that is just down right inconsiderate especially if you can't just come and go as you please and you ALWAYS have to ask permission.

These signs is just screaming at you to "GET OUT..THIS RELATIONSHIP IS UNHEALTHY" To me this is just a toxic relationship and borderline controlling relationship. You can either one of two things. If you didn't talk to them about their behavior then bring it up and tell them how you feel and see if they will work on it and change. Or they realize how they're acting and you talked to them already, but still do it then get out. You don't want it to go too far to where they start controlling you and then start being abusive. STAND YOUR GROUND! Until then BYE FOR NOW MY NAUGHTY ANGELS!

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